IT Managers Guide to a Successful Audit Email Image_Pratum_20200429_PXX


Understanding The Audit Process

What’s Inside?

Why do so many IT leaders hate IT audits? Mostly because they see audits as adversarial challenges rather than partnerships that could benefit everyone involved. In this paper, you’ll learn how to use the audit process to win support for your business concerns and objectives and find ways to work more efficiently. You may even start to see things from the auditor’s perspective as you collaborate on finding ways to make your organization more successful.

This 23-page paper provides a thorough guide to the entire process, including:

  • Basics of IT audits and common compliance frameworks
  • How to understand and work with auditors
  • Communicating Throughout the Audit Process
  • Step-by-step guide to the audit process
  • Overall tips for successful audits

Get the guide.